Lots of companies around the world are investing to overcome the challenges of the near future, with the most advanced technology for smart manufacturing. With Er 4.0 software, we provide you with a comprehensive solution to step into the digital era. WE’LL MAKE YOU READY!
Ermaksan's Er 4.0 allows you to control your entire manufacturing process. All of the data you need is centrally accessible. You gain insight into and control over your whole operation. Our software solutions for connected manufacturing, visualize, analyze, and monitor machine, process, and sensor data. They translate this data into final information that serves as a source for your rule and process-based actions, creating complete transparency. There are several main reasons why Er 4.0, the game changer for the manufacturer, is increasingly being adopted by manufacturers. Thanks to continuous monitoring of your machinery, you can get the following benefits:
Discover the functionalities makes it possible
Active Machine Control Management It allows to monitor all machines operating in the field on a single screen for the error, warning, efficiency data.
Machine Efficiency Control Management It provides a graphical view of the ratios of performance, quality, usability data on the machines.
Sensor Volume Monitoring It allows you to see the instantaneous temperature change of the equipment such as the motor, driver, etc. in the machine.
Monitoring on Map It allows you to control the status of your machines in different locations on a single screen. Connect, collect and visualize data from any piece of equipment on the shop floor or out.
Preventive Maintenance Management Using this data, the platform can notify machine operators to change a tool before it breaks or even notify the operator when an anomaly is detected that could lead to a breakdown.
Production and Energy Consumption Management During production, the machine's energy consumption allows the number of parts produced and hydraulic oil temperature changes to be monitored.
Turn machines into connected and smart systems, making your business more productive.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for detailed info. sales@ermaksan.com.tr